Press Release: 14 May 2018

London gunmaker John Rigby and Co. has announced its sponsorship of The International Council for Game & Wildlife Conservation (CIC) United Kingdom Trophy Evaluation Board (UKTEB), an organisation established to measure deer antlers and other trophies in accordance with international CIC rules.

As part of the new sponsorship deal, Rigby will be providing judges with Rigby Classic Hunting shirts to wear at measuring events across the UK. In addition, they will be providing Rigby and CIC branded certificate folders for returning all clients’ paperwork and measuring forms in.

In 2017 alone, the team of UK judges evaluated over 1,000 heads, of which 294 made gold, 279 silver and 280 bronze. The organisation attends numerous shows throughout the year, hosted by the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation in England and the Scottish Gamekeepers’ Association in Scotland.

Senior international trophy judges, Iain Watson and Tony Dalby-Welsh commented: “We are delighted to be supported in our aim of promoting sustainable hunting, both in the UK and throughout the world, by the internationally renowned John Rigby & Co., manufacturers of the world’s finest hunting rifles.”

Marc Newton, managing director of Rigby, added: “It’s great to be able to lend our support to such a great organisation, who are committed to supporting sustainable hunting for the benefit of people and nature. The work they do, not only with trophy measuring, helps create a community of hunters, which can only help promote our culture and traditions for the next generation.”

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